At the core of it all, in the Heart of Hearts, Temple of Alchemy was birthed to inspire Living Out of the Ordinary ... the Extra Ordinary Way .
Because it is possible
A series of serendipitous events brought Temple of Alchemy and the Master Carver Leandro together.
The visions and dreams that we have been receiving was confirmed when Leandro told us that the World’s Largest Crystal Skull : Akator, together with Happy Jack, Brothers, Elvis and Ricardo II have chosen to work with us. A crystal skull temple awaits...
Temple of Alchemy was birthed.
Where sincere ceremony is held nightly.
High vibrational vortexes are created with Sound and Light, channeling energies from Father Sky, Mother Earth and beyond. The veils between worlds become thin ... Illumination begins to shine through.
Transforming the ordinary into the Extraordinary
As with all things important, they can only be felt and known in the Heart space. And so we begin here ... Much will be revealed in due time.